
We are so excited to be ‘on board’ with Christian Surfers. The vision of Christian Surfers is for every surfer and every surfing community to have the opportunity to know and follow Jesus. Just as the Christian Surfers’ Bible changed Reed’s life, we hope to use our talents to share Christ with every surfing community through various media avenues.

About us

Some of our most life-changing moments happened at the beach – from being baptized in the Indian Ocean, getting married on the beach in Kenya and dedicating our children in the gulf of Florida. As a family, we want to be part of a ministry that is changing the lives of others in a way that is relatable and tangible to their given context. We believe that Christian Surfers (CS) is doing this by being a bridge between the local church and the beach.

Join our team

Currently, we are building out our family support team. With that, we need people to partner with us financially. If you feel led to give, click the button below to join our support team.

Christian Surfers Media Ministries

Connect with us

We would love to hear from you.
If you would like to connect with us for more information click the button below to reach out.