
Serving as missionaries with Christian Surfers.

Our primary responsibilities going into our roles with Christian Surfers will be to share what God is doing through the organization nationally and globally, but ultimately bring people to Jesus. He has given both of us unique gifts and talents we are committing back to him through this ministry. We will be filming, photographing, designing and writing content for CS. Ultimately our job will be to share stories of how God is using surfing to change people’s lives.

The Crew

This is our family! We have always dreamed of going into ministry together and now it is finally happening. We are so stoked to be joining Christian Surfers and using our gifts for God’s kingdom.

The Call

Christian Surfers (CS) is the world’s largest surfing ministry. CS has served as a bridge between the beach and the church. There are millions of surfers across the globe, and we have only scratched the surface.

The Mission

Our mission is simple. We want to share the love of Jesus with every surfer and every surfing community around the world. Check out the video below for more info on the heart behind Christian Surfers.

About Christian Surfers