Here’s to a New Season

Hi Everyone!

We are so excited to share what’s next for our family. Over a year ago, we felt a transition coming. Although we weren’t sure what it was, we looked forward to seeing what God had for our family. In November, Reed stepped out into doing freelance photography and videography. He started pursuing his passions, which led him to call Christian Surfers (CS) about joining one of their missions trips. Little did we know that a phone call would lead us to start the journey to becoming missionaries with CS.

If you don’t know our story, we both grew up as missionary kids (MKs) in Africa. We have always had a heart for missions and wanted our kids to experience what we did. In this next chapter of our lives, we will be using the gifts God has given us to share CS’s story through video, photo, design and writing, and to minister together as a family in the U.S. and overseas.

We would love for you to be a part of what we are doing, so here are three ways you can do so.

Pray for and with us.

We truly believe that there’s nothing like the power of the body of Christ praying for one another. While we are excited about what is to come, we are in the midst of transition and learning to trust God in the process. We ask that you pray with and for us on the following:

  • Building our financial support team to reach our budget goal in the next few months.
  • Boldness as we meet with people to talk to about CS and share our story.
  • For our kids – this season comes with a lot of change. We plan to keep them home so they can be involved with our ministry as much as possible.

Join our support team.

We have just started the fundraising process. Before our family can transition into full-time ministry with CS, we have to raise a budget. If you are interested in supporting us financially, you can click here or feel free to reach out to one of us via email. You can view updates on our financial progress goals here. We would love to share our hearts for CS and how you can be a part of what CS is doing for God’s kingdom.

Get involved with CS.

There are so many ways that you can participate in what CS is doing nationally and globally, such as joining a chapter near you and participating in a surf missions trip. Our family recently joined one of the CS camping trips in Florida, and we had a blast! It was incredible to do everything we loved together – camping, being at the beach, surfing and worshipping alongside fellow believers. People shared with us how joining CS radically changed their lives. This is why we are so excited about our future roles of being able to share the stories of CS.

While we look forward to what is to come, we know that we can’t do what God has called us to without the support of many people – whether that’s through prayers or finances. For those who are going on this journey with us, we want to say thank you. Thank you for praying for us. Thank you for supporting us. And for those who are just curious about what we are doing, thank you for reading our story.

We hope you stay tuned for what we are doing by following our blog or subscribing to our newsletter!

Reed & Priscilla